Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on network. (means you are reachable to that host or not by using ping command) when you are pinging any host what actually happen. it will send normally 4 packets to other host which you want to ping . if your are using ipv4 then packet is as below. IPv4 Datagram Bits 0–7 Bits 8–15 Bits 16–23 Bits 24–31 Header (20 bytes) Version/IHL Type of service Length Identification flags and offset Time To Live (TTL) Protocol Header Checksum Source IP address Destination IP address ICMP Header (8 bytes) Type of message Code Checksum Header Data ICMP Payload ( optional ) Payload Data Source: If you are using ipv6 then packet is as below. IPv6 Datagram Bits 0–3 Bits 4–7 Bits 8–11 Bits 12–15 Bits 16–23 Bits 24–31 Header (40 bytes) Version Traffic Class Flow Label Payload Length Next Header Hop Limit Source Address Destin...
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